
Sheldon Silver Out As New York Assembly Speaker By Next Week

New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will vacate his post by next week, Democratic lawmakers said in a Tuesday press conference.

Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle said Silver will either resign from his post by Monday, or be expelled from it by his colleagues. Morelle will serve as interim speaker until an election for the post is held on February 10.

Silver was arrested last week on corruption charges. On Sunday, he agreed to temporarily relinquish his duties as he fought the charges.

Silver has held the post since 1994.

Below, more details from the Associated Press:

Silver did not address his colleagues or reporters on Tuesday but late Monday night said he expected to be exonerated. It is unclear whether Silver plans to resign or whether his tenure will be formally ended Monday by legislative action. Messages left with Silver's office were not returned.

The 70-year-old Manhattan Democrat was taken into custody last Thursday on federal charges he took nearly $4 million in payoffs and kickbacks, but he insists he is innocent. He has led the Assembly for 21 years — the second-longest tenure of any sitting speaker in the nation.

Members of the Assembly said Silver's criminal charges had become a distraction and a problem for entire chamber.

"There is a strong sense among members it would be best for the speaker to step down and for this body to elect a new speaker," Assembly member Patricia Fahy, D-Albany, said Tuesday. "There is a lot of hard work ahead to move ahead and unite the body behind a new speaker who can best represent the entire state, champion reforms and restore confidence in the Assembly."

She noted, though, that the chamber and Silver have been instrumental in raising New York's minimum wage, legalizing same-sex marriage, funding prekindergarten and other progressive measures.

Silver had one vocal ally remaining. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a fellow Democrat, has called Silver "a man of integrity" and said Tuesday that he shouldn't resign. He added that people have to respect the Assembly's decision, but "it's crucially important" that there is leadership that's fair to the city, which often doesn't get its fair share from the state government.

Some legislators also want rules changed to lessen the central power of the speaker's office and seniority system, establish more transparency in how the chamber operates and make decisions and give the chairmen of Assembly committees more authority.

Silver faces five counts, including conspiracy and bribery, and is accused of using his position to obtain millions of dollars in kickbacks masked as legitimate income from two law firms.

On Sunday, Silver proposed letting five senior legislators temporarily take over the speaker's duties while he kept the post and fought the federal charges. Lawmakers rejected the idea as unworkable.

There was no clear immediate consensus on Silver's permanent replacement. Morelle, Assemblyman Keith Wright of Harlem and Assemblyman Carl Heastie of the Bronx have all been mentioned as likely candidates.

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