莉莉柯林斯Netflix《艾蜜莉在巴黎》寫給我們的20句愛情語錄:結婚不等於100%擁有一個人! - ELLE 台灣
NETFLIX《艾蜜莉在巴黎》Emily in Paris
莉莉柯林斯(Lily Collins)主演的Netflix影集《艾蜜莉在巴黎》(Emily in Paris)中,那些關於愛情和職場的金句,是不是覺得有些扎心呢?一個美國女孩獨自勇闖巴黎,在那裡她遇見了愛情、成就了職涯,卻不斷在道德與自我之間迷失,在一次次錯誤中成長;短短幾集的故事我們卻看見了未來的夢想、過往的記憶,交錯著。
"Happy endings are very American. I want to see life."
"But don't you want to go to the movies to escape life?"
"Thinking you could escape life is your problem, you can never escape life. Never. Welcome to the French ending."
"I don't want 100% of anyone, and I don't want anyone to have 100% of me. And if you're committed or married, that cant happen anyway. That's a fairytale. Bad movie."
"Perfume is like in life, one has to balance the sweet with... the stinky."
"I like Paris but I'm not really sure Paris likes me. MMaybe that's okay. I've spent my entire life wanting to be liked."
"That's a miserable goal."
"You live to work, we work to live. It's good to make money, but you said success, to me its punishment."
"Smells like expensive sex."
"Better than a cheap date."
"When two things are next to each other, we're forced to compare them."
"Ignorance makes you arrogant."
"But I'm the girl who shows up, not the girl who makes bad decisions."
"But you're not the only one making decisions."
"Fake it till you make it."
"The wonderful thing about Paris is that nobody judges for doing nothing. It's practically an art form here."
"My friends and I were obsessed with Gossip Girl, we all wanted to be Serena van der Woodesen, and her gorgeous crazy expensive coutures. But the only thing we could afford from any of those designers was a clip on bag charm from an outlet mall.
"You think 'ringards' don't respect designers, we worship designers so much that we spent all we saved on a dumb accessories just to feel like we're somehow on your runway. You may mock us, but the truth is you need us. Without basic bitches like me, you wouldn't be fashionable."
"Everything is 'pas possible!' It's the French motto."
"Sometimes your dream is somewhere you didn't expect it to be."
"Fearless is starting something from zero, marking something that's all your own."
"Fashion is not about a concept, it's about looking beautiful."
"Perfume is like wearing beautiful lingerie, makes you feel more confident, sexier, happier."
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