Add this to the list of the worst landlords ever.
A disgruntled Pennsylvania landlord is accused of shooting one of his tenants in the butt after being refused a cigarette.
An altercation between Scranton landlord Robert Klemish, 58, and his tenants Monday night ended when the irate man allegedly shot through the door of a residence, striking victim Michael Karasevich in the butt, according to WNEP.
Klemish attempted to use a cigarette-rolling machine belonging to Richard and Jody Privett, who were in their upstairs apartment. Privett denied Klemish a cigarette, which led to an argument, the Scranton Times-Tribune reported. From there, the situation escalated quickly.
According to the Times-Tribune:
The suspect then shot through the door, hitting Karasevich's butt, according to court papers. Police said Klemish admitted to the shooting, but claimed it was an accident. He has been charged with assaulted and discharging a firearm.
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A disgruntled Pennsylvania landlord is accused of shooting one of his tenants in the butt after being refused a cigarette.
An altercation between Scranton landlord Robert Klemish, 58, and his tenants Monday night ended when the irate man allegedly shot through the door of a residence, striking victim Michael Karasevich in the butt, according to WNEP.
Klemish attempted to use a cigarette-rolling machine belonging to Richard and Jody Privett, who were in their upstairs apartment. Privett denied Klemish a cigarette, which led to an argument, the Scranton Times-Tribune reported. From there, the situation escalated quickly.
According to the Times-Tribune:
Mr. Klemish sat down at the kitchen table with a .25-caliber handgun behind his back. When Michael Karasevich, another tenant, walked by, he noticed Mr. Klemish staring at him. Mr. Karasevich asked him why.
“I am deciding whether or not to shoot you in between the eyes,” Mr. Klemish replied, according to Mr. Karasevich.
Mr. Karasevich went upstairs to the room where the Privetts were, but Mr. Klemish followed. Leaning against the door, Mr. Karasevich used his back to keep the door closed, and the group in the room began yelling at Mr. Klemish.
The suspect then shot through the door, hitting Karasevich's butt, according to court papers. Police said Klemish admitted to the shooting, but claimed it was an accident. He has been charged with assaulted and discharging a firearm.
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